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Syringe And Needle Possession Laws In Delaware

Drug paraphernalia charges in Delaware are very serious. They are usually part of several charges related to drug possession, sale, manufacturing or cultivation. One very serious type of drug paraphernalia you can be caught with is a hypodermic needle or syringe. These are used to inject many types of drugs into many areas of the body. If you have been arrested for possessing a syringe in Delaware you should speak with an experienced Delaware Drug Paraphernalia Defense Lawyer.

Unlawful Possession of a Syringe Laws in Delaware

§ 4762. Hypodermic syringe or needle; delivering or possessing; disposal; exceptions; penalties.

(a) No person shall deliver at retail or furnish to any person other than a practitioner an instrument commonly known as a hypodermic syringe or an instrument commonly known as a hypodermic needle or any instrument adapted for the use of narcotic drugs by parenteral injection without a written order of a practitioner or oral order of a practitioner immediately reduced to writing by such person.

(b) Every person who disposes of or delivers at retail, or gives away to any person the instruments described in subsection (a) of this section, upon the written order of a practitioner or oral order of a practitioner immediately reduced to writing by such person, shall, before delivering the same:

(1) Enter into a book kept for that purpose the day of the delivery, the name, age and address of the purchaser and a description of the instrument sold, disposed of, furnished or given away; or

(2) Retain on file the original written order or oral order reduced to writing, noting on such orders any refills.

(c) No person except a practitioner or regular dealer in medical or surgical supplies or their authorized agents or employees shall possess an instrument described in subsection (a) of this section, without having in the person’s possession a certificate from a physician certifying that the possession of such instrument is necessary for the treatment of an injury, deformity or disease then suffered by the person possessing the same. Every person who lawfully possesses an instrument described in subsection (a) of this section shall, before disposal, destroy such instrument in such a manner as to render it unfit for reuse in any manner.

(d) Any person who delivers, disposes of or gives away any instrument commonly known as a hypodermic syringe or an instrument commonly known as a hypodermic needle or any instrument adapted for the use of narcotic drugs by parenteral injection except in the manner prescribed in this section, shall be guilty of a class G felony.

(e) Nothing in this section shall prohibit the delivery, furnishing, sale, purchase or possession of an instrument commonly known as a hypodermic syringe or an instrument commonly known as a hypodermic needle used or to be used solely and exclusively for treating poultry or livestock and such delivery, furnishing, sale, purchase, possession or use shall be governed by rules and regulations to be prescribed by the Department of Agriculture.

(f) This section does not apply to:

(1) The sale at wholesale by pharmacies, drug jobbers, drug wholesalers and drug manufacturers or manufacturers and dealers in surgical instruments to practitioners; and

(2) The furnishing or obtaining of hypodermic syringes or hypodermic needles for uses which the Secretary determines are industrial. Notwithstanding the other provisions of this section, a person may obtain such instruments, without a written order or oral order reduced to writing, for such industrial uses.

Let a Delaware Drug Paraphernalia Defense Lawyer Help You

If convicted of hypodermic needle or syringe possession in Delaware you will face felony charges. Your freedom, rights and reputation will all be compromised if convicted. It is not advisable that you face these charges without the aid of an experienced Delaware Drug Crime Defense Lawyer. Call me, Delaware Drug Paraphernalia Lawyer Brian J. Chapman by dialing 302-656-2528. You can also click here to email a Delaware Unlawful Possession Of A Hypodermic Needle Defense Attorney.