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Prostitution is very common in Delaware. The internet has a lot to do with that as there are many online dating sites that are thinly veiled sites promoting prostitution. If found guilty of prostitution, soliciting a prostitute or patronizing a prostitute you can face very expensive, complicated and embarrassing legal consequences. If you have been arrested for any charge related to prostitution in New Castle County, Delaware you should consult with a Delaware Prostitution Defense Attorney.

Contact me, Wilmington Delaware Prostitution Lawyer Brian J. Chapman to discuss your charges. My Wilmington, Delaware criminal law office can be reached at 302-656-2528. Due to the sensitive nature of a charge related to prostitution I will handle you case very discreetly while thoroughly protecting your rights and reputation.

Delaware Penalties for Prostitution

There are several laws regarding prostitution in Delaware. Some are related to being a prostitute and some are related to patronizing or soliciting a prostitute. Prostitution laws apply to same sex participants as well as opposite sex participants. The penalties for each are:

1. Prostitution: Class B misdemeanor, minimum $500.00 fine, it is a Class A misdemeanor if found guilty of prostitution within 1,000 feet of a school, residence or place of worship.

2. Patronizing a prostitute: Misdemeanor, minimum mandatory fine of $500.00. If you have been convicted of soliciting a prostitute within the previous 5 years your vehicle may be seized. If caught soliciting a prostitute within 1,000 feet of a school, residence, or place of worship the minimum mandatory fine shall be $1,000.00.

Prostitution Defense in Delaware

A common defense for prostitution in Delaware is that you were unaware that the person was a prostitute. This defense does always work.  For instance, if you were caught within 1,000 feet of a school, residence or place of worship that defense will not be effective. Working with an experienced Delaware Criminal Lawyer familiar with Delaware prostitution laws will ensure that your rights, and reputation, are fully protected.

Contact a Delaware Prostitution Lawyer

Despite being a misdemeanor in Delaware a prostitution conviction in Delaware can disrupt your life for years after the arrest. It can cost you more than the fines and court costs as it can impact your ability to get a job as well as cause the loss of your family. You should not face these charges alone. Call me, Newark Delaware Prostitution Defense Lawyer Brian J. Chapman at 302-656-2528. You can also me, email New Castle County Delaware Prostitution Crime Lawyer Brian J. Chapman here.

I handle all misdemeanors and criminal matters in Delaware including: Wilmington, Pike Creek, Hockessin, Newark, New Castle, Bear, Glasgow, Middletown, Smyrna, Dover, Milford, Harrington, Millsboro, Lewes, Rehoboth Beach, Dewey Beach and Fenwick Island.